Last Saturday morning, June 18th 2011, I remember hearing Patty crying on the other end of the phone as she told Jorge the devastating news. Omar had passed away that morning. I felt a mix of anger, sadness, confusion and a strange sense of peace knowing that Omar was in a better place with the Lord.
For those of you that don't know about Patty and Omar, let me tell you, they're two of the most giving, loving and supportive people I've ever met in my life. Since I first met these two a few years ago, I've always known them to be attached at the hip. Not only were they a married couple, they're best friends. To have one, you always get the other. Omar always tagged along with Patty and I while running errands for our businesses (they own the accessory company Cherry and Olive), or just with us to go out and have a good time. They both always bring a smile to my face and know how to brighten a person's day.
Omar was a great man, full of smiles and always offering a hand. He had so much love for Patty, his friends and family, and always wanted to do what he could to take care of everyone. I remember staying at their house a few months ago when I moved back to LA. I got a kick out of the way he would dote on me and make certain I was ok, even packing a sack lunch for me one night when I had to go on a freelance job the next day. All I could think of was how lucky Patty was to have such a great man in her life. These two truly get what love is, and have experienced it in it's fullest form.
Not everyone gets to experience the blessing of love on the same level that Patty and Omar have. The reason for this is because not everyone makes the effort to know and experience love like them. They opened my eyes to this. Love isn't something you receive out of luck because you've met your soulmate, love is so much more than an emotion. Love is a decision and an action. 1 Corinthians 13:4 tells us "Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, it always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres." To me, Patty and Omar got this, whether knowingly or not. And they are the perfect example for this.
So, here's the reality... we're all going to go someday. It could be years from now, next week, tomorrow or within the next hour. We never know when it's our time or our loved ones. All we can do is be the best we can for each other knowing that we made life as full and beautiful as possible for those we care about in the short time we have on earth. It's not easy, sometimes even those we love the most make us want to scream in frustration, we're all human. But, it's not so much the little moments that matter, but the big picture and what we've done for each other that have an overall impact.
I wish I could articulate myself more eloquently on this subject, and possibly make more sense. But all the thoughts I have racing through my head on this subject are so numerous it would make a novel. This is the best I can do. But, I'd like to add how inspirational of a person Patty has been throughout this whole thing. Her grace and outlook on life as she deals with her loss are incredible. I've grown to love and appreciate her so much more.