I am an Army Wife. I am proud of the life I have chosen. I have a deep sense of duty and loyalty, to my country and my husband. I wait, in the early morning light, as he packs up his gear. He has to make two trips, always two trips to the truck. I’ll wait, in the slider door with the kitchen light behind me. Our dog will sit at my feet. She’s waiting too….
Always waiting, for a soldier to come home from where ever they decide to send him. Usually he heads to Battle Creek, Mi. for Battle Assembly (BA) once a month for a couple days, give or take a couple more days. This year his Annual Tour (AT) will be in Ft. McCoy, WI. He will be gone the entire month of August.
I’m a lucky one, a grateful one. My Private First Class (PFC) is a Reservist. Ready if needed. I like to pretend he will never deploy but I’m also not a naïve little girl anymore. It seems silly to think he could get orders for deployment any moment of any day. While it may seem unlikely, it is possible. And that is what I live every day, with grace and love in my heart.
I occupy myself while he’s gone. I’m a hair stylist, photographer and model. I love to take vintage themed pin-up photos for my soldier and he sure does love taking them with him on long field training exercises. Nicole Katherine Designs offers the perfect look to keep my husbands heart racing from the perfect fit of each custom garment. He’s jealous the dresses get to hug my curves while he’s away. If I were to win a dress, I’d have to orchestrate an elaborate photo shoot with my soldier in full uniform. That would leave me tickled pink for days, maybe even years to come.
Amanda Hess
626 Lafayette Ave NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
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